Ten Reasons Why It's OK Your Child Wets the Bed!

No matter how hard you and your child try to manage bedwetting, it can sure add a lot of stress to childhood. Here are 10 reasons why it's OK your child wets the bed (really!)...

School and Exam Stress

"Bedwetting can be distressing for all ages, especially in children and young people under stress from exams and schoolwork. It’s important to remind yourself that you’re not alone, bedwetting at age 10 and older is quite common, affecting 9% of children and teenagers.

Get lots of sleep

Exam time can be stressful so it’s important to get as much sleep as you can to recharge your batteries and be ready for the following day. Lack of sleep can often lead to more frequent bedwetting accidents. Night-time mattress protection and night pants are effective ways to ensure a dry and worry-free night’s sleep

Emotional stress

Emotional stress can place older children and teenagers under a lot of pressure. It’s not unusual for exam stress to lead to bedwetting. This is because the brain is so focused on studying it can become overtired. In this state, the brain can fail to signal that the bladder is full. Make sure you are taking regular breaks from all the exam preparation to ease the stress.

Ask for help

If exam stress and long evenings of studying have become too difficult, speak out. There are schoolteachers, councillors and most importantly parents/guardians who can offer help and support during exams.

Offering support during bedwetting

As a parent, it’s important to support your child by talking to them about the cause of their worries and helping them through this emotional bedwetting phase. DryNites® Pyjama Pants offer night-time support for ages from 3-5, 4-7 and 8-15-year-olds who wet the bed. DryNites® Bed mats also offer 12-hour protection during the night should a bedwetting incident occur.

School and Exam Stress

"Bedwetting can be distressing for all ages, especially in children and young people under stress from exams and schoolwork. It’s important to remind yourself that you’re not alone, bedwetting at age 10 and older is quite common, affecting 9% of children and teenagers.

Get lots of sleep

Exam time can be stressful so it’s important to get as much sleep as you can to recharge your batteries and be ready for the following day. Lack of sleep can often lead to more frequent bedwetting accidents. Night-time mattress protection and night pants are effective ways to ensure a dry and worry-free night’s sleep

Emotional stress

Emotional stress can place older children and teenagers under a lot of pressure. It’s not unusual for exam stress to lead to bedwetting. This is because the brain is so focused on studying it can become overtired. In this state, the brain can fail to signal that the bladder is full. Make sure you are taking regular breaks from all the exam preparation to ease the stress.

Ask for help

If exam stress and long evenings of studying have become too difficult, speak out. There are schoolteachers, councillors and most importantly parents/guardians who can offer help and support during exams.

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